InnoGames TV Episode 20
by Nemesis,
News / Game Updates
In the August episode of InnoGames TV, Tribal Wars Lead Community Manager Thomas, introduces their upcoming tournament: Tribal Wars Cup. Players will find out the basics of the event and where to register.
In addition, Timon and Oliver from the Elvenar team recap some answers from their live QA session on periscope and Twitch. The duo goes over three major questions from the stream. Afterwards game designer Peer gives an exclusive preview of the next era for Forge of Empires: The Future. The host Diana also reads the Forge of Empires Limerick award winner. Then, Tribal Wars 2 explains their co-op feature. Last but not least, Grepolis’ Lead Community Manager Jordan gives a sneak peek on their future event: Spartan Assassin.
Check out the August episode and give us your feedback! We’d love to hear from you!
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