Tribal Wars 13th Birthday!
by Nemesis,
News / Game Updates
Greetings players!
We are about to enter a festive occasion, the 13th birthday of Tribal Wars!
Indeed, it has been 13 years now since the game started in Germany back in June 2003, and we would like to mark the occasion with you with a series of events and activities.
So put your party hats on and prepare for the Tribal Wars 13 years Birthday Event!
Starting on Monday the 27th of June we will start with a 13 days long celebration. Each day will bring a different activity for you to participate in. Some will be in-game, many will involve your participation and most will give you the chance to win some fabulous prizes!
But we wont be spoiling all the fun for you just yet! We will reveal each activity on the day it takes place, so don't forget come back each day and check what is happening!
We hope you enjoy the next days, our birthday plans and your prizes of course!
Thank you for 13 amazing years!
Best wishes from our support teams, Community Managers, and the Tribal Wars Team at InnoGames!