Terms for Experienced Users
Backtime: An in-game technique in which Player A works out when Player B’s troops will return to Player B’s village after an attack. An attack is then arranged to hit Player B’s troops the instant they get back into the village. Typically this is conducted between two players - one player attacks, the second dodges, then backtime’s the first - although anyone can backtime a player provided they know when X’s troops return to the village.
Bookmarking: A farming technique where you copy the "resend same" link from the farm report to your bookmarks. By opening all bookmarks in a folder you can farm a huge number of villages within seconds - legally.
Cat Waves: As cats are more effective in small numbers it is better to send them in trains/‘waves’ than one huge attack. Lots of small cat-attacks sent in succession are known as cat waves.
Crippling: This is the catapulting of crucial buildings in an opponent’s village, designed to slow down or halt their growth completely. Which buildings will vary depending on the stage of the game, and in-game circumstances.
Farm shaping: This happens in worlds with growing barbs. As they stop growing at a certain point, catting everything you don't need in your farm ensures the resource pits and warehouse grow to decent levels.
Fast tabbing: Quickly switching or closing tabs on opera using keyboard shortcuts.
Monitor: An early-game technique in which players keep track of the points of surrounding players to gauge their building progress.
Morale: A protection mechanism for smaller players. Players more than 3 times bigger than their target get a handicap that reduces the strength of their attacking troops depending on the relative difference of the size between attacker and defender by up to 30%. Some worlds have time based morale, which adds a deduction of troop strength for attacking players that are new to the world.
Nuke: A massive force of troops, larger than your average ‘100 axes, 30 LC’ attack combo. A nuke is the full space of a level 30 farm used to make offence troops. Used with the sole intention of obliterating an opponent’s army. Informing enemy players you have built up several defence nukes is a good way to provide cheap lolz.
Point Disguise: Building/demolishing hiding place levels to make it look like you have been building something else - counter-strategy to monitoring. Also has strategic value in church worlds - can be used to hide the points increase accompanying the construction of a church.
RL Excuse: An excuse given about RL, in order to leave the game, traditionally given just after one is pwned by another player. Excuses may include, but are not limited to: I don’t have time for this right now, a long-lost relative has just reappeared in the Bahamas with a small fortune, the dog ate the internet, I got an upgrade to web 2.0 and apparently TW isn't compatible.
Report deleting: Reports and mails not stored in self created folders or the archive are deleted, and the resend link expires too.
Retiring: The classier version of quitting.
Re-take: Presuming one’s village is going to be nobled, this involves timing an offence with a noble to hit after the last enemy noble, thus killing the enemy nuke that stays in the village, and re-claiming the village.
Rimming: The act of nobling all of a player’s villages, and sending him to the rim of the world. A term that is slowly becoming obsolete as players in current/future worlds will be able to restart within their tribe territory when nobled.
Rush / Rushing: The process by which a player focuses on achieving a set goal, to the (relative) neglect of all else. LC rushing, HQ rushing, and noble rushing are the usual suspects.
Sniping 1: To time support / recall defence in such a manner as to split an attackers noble train and thus prevent him from conquering your village in one stroke. This is a favoured defence tactic by experienced players when defence needs to be conserved.
Sniping 2: To noble a village that another player cleared before he/she can noble it. This is considered a low trick.
Split second: The millisecond shown in the detailed attack screen.
Time in: In-game technique in which attacks are sent to ‘time in’ with other attacks already in progress.
Original Post: http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=142735