Common/General Usage Terms
24/7 Account: An account that is played 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ordinarily done through multiple players logging into the one account.
7*7: The territory immediately surrounding one’s own village. This territory spans 7 tiny squares x 7 tiny squares. 7*7 is the usual map available to non premium players.
15*15: The wider territory surrounding one’s own village. This territory spans 15 tiny squares x 15 tiny squares. This is a map option available to premium players.
Academy tribe: A second tribe created by the ‘main’ tribe, into which newbs are often convinced to join on the premise they’ll be ‘taught’ how to play. In reality, these are typically associated with tribes that are more interested in points than troops, and once you reach a certain number of points, you will be allowed access to the main tribe. Generally scorned by the older TW community. Not to be confused with teaching tribes.
(Account) Sitting: Allowing another player to take control of your account, through the Settings --> Account Sitting process in game. This is most notably done in order to have someone look after your account whilst you’re away from TW. Many tribes maintain a rule explicitly stating their members may only be account sat by other tribe members. Aka the bane of many Australian players existences.
BB-codes: Codes that help you change the appearance of your text, or insert links, images or quotes into a post.
Backup time: This is when the server does the backup and you get massive lags (04:45 server time).
Banned: When a player breaks the rules (typically the ‘no multi accounts’ rule) they are banned from the world and unable to play any more. It is against the rules to discuss bans in the public forums. Bans can be appealed by sending in a ticket.
Bot check: A quick check that confirms a player is in fact a mere mortal, by requesting one clicks inside a broken circle. Aka ‘that thing that happens when Jamm tries to time attacks’, and ‘zomfg, why now, why?!’
Bug: A ‘bug’ is another term for a glitch in the tw system.
Coat of arms (COA): The picture used on a tribe or player’s profile. Generally speaking, no ultra-l33t COA is complete without at least some of the following: blood, darkness, shadows, swords or other weapons of choice, the tribe/player’s name.
Coin: A unit which you use to buy noblemen in your academy. Each additional nobleman costs one coin more than the last one. Each coin is bought with a certain amount of resources. Specific to coin-worlds. In a coin world, if your nobleman gets killed while defending or you over noble yourself, you do not need to mint the full number of coins but rather just pay 40K/50K/50K training costs.
Coordinates: The location of a village on the map. I.e. 475|724.
Co-Players: Two or more players playing the same account, most often from complimentary time zones, to ensure maximum activity on the account.
(The) Core: The four innermost continents in the map - K44, K45, K54, K55. Generally regarded as prime real estate, unless you miss the opening of the world, in which case ‘waiting for the rim’ is a pretty cool fallback position. It should be noted however that as the world grows, the core expands outwards. See Also: (The) Rim
Ego: The reason we play TW. The size of one’s ego should be directly proportional to one’s IG skillz. For reference: Duffbdat. Need I say more?
(Epic) Fail: A phrase used to express extreme disapproval of a post, poor attacks, etc. Commonly used on poor PnP posts.
Family tribe (lulz): A group of tribes joined together with a traditionally silly name. Widely renowned for having a ‘numbers > skill’ policy and poor co-ordination/organisation. No true family tribe is complete without an ascii sword. This applies to 99% of family tribes.
Family tribe (serious): A family tribe is any tribe that has multiple branches, all of which are united as one 'group', playing together with the same goals - as distinct from allies, who occasionally help each other out when it's mutually beneficial, but quite often have their own agendas. And yes, this includes brother tribes, sister tribes, academies, and so on. Any addition to the main branch.
Flaming: The art of shooting down another poster's arguments and points in the forums whilst also making fun of them.
Greys: Grey villages on the map. These include abandoned, barb/barbarian, and bonus villages.
Guides: Guides are written by (usually) experienced players, and range from detailing single strategies, to advice on how to approach world settings, etc. New players who dare to suggest they’re not interested in reading any guides, and just want someone to ‘tell them how to play’ will soon find themselves victim to a cascade of scorn and disapproval from older players.
Hate Mail: Hate mail is usually received after a successful attack on another player. The targeted player will send insults to the attacker, after which one of two things will usually occur. One: the recipient of the hate mail will report the sender for being insulting, and get them banned. Two: the recipient of the hate mail will post the mail in the in tribe, or public forums, and much lolz will ensue. Typical hate mail is identified through poor grammar, poor spelling, swearing, insults regarding one’s mother/sister/intelligence/lack of life, and an excess of exclamation marks.
Hugging: Aka Tribal Hugz, this is when tribes obtain as many alliances and naps as they possibly can, in order to avoid conflict. Can also be used in reference to any nice behaviour on the forums. W34 was especially good for Forum Hugz, early on.
In Game Staff: A player who has volunteered to help police and "moderate" the game worlds. Typically speaking their dedication and service to the running of the game is undervalued by many players. They do a great job! (… -slips $50 from Godsman into pocket-. Pleasure doin’ business with you.)
Infraction (forum): A player may receive what is known as an ‘infraction’ when they post inappropriately in the forums. This is like a black mark against the player, and in serious enough cases, can result in players being banned from the forums for a time. 4 infractions = instant ban, and most infractions expire after a certain time period, except for serious ones which are permanent.
Merge: When two tribes agree to join forces and create a single tribe. The community response to merges can vary depending on the stage of the game, the reasons for the merge, and the tribes that are merging.
Newb: A new player that shows promise.
N00b: A player that does not show promise. Can be either new or old.
Packages: The system of creating noblemen preferred by many "old school" players. Simply put the cost of a noblemen is "X" number of packages. "X" is determined by the following formula :
X = current number of villages + number of existing noblemen + number of noblement currently in training.
Under a package system, a nobleman which dies on offence can be retrained at the source village for a single package. However when a nobleman that gets killed on defence or is lost when a village is over nobled, the full number of packets needs to be paid to get it back. This makes defence far more strategic.Point Whore: A player who enjoys collecting points, rather than troops. They don’t last long.
Post: Anything one writes in the forums, once posted for all to read, is a post.
Premade: A tribe that is made prior to a world opening, typically with players that have some idea of one-another’s skills and strengths. Often themed.
Pushing (legal): When a tribe sends a rim-side, or newly restarted, player resource deliveries to boost his rate of growth and dominate his area.
Push Accounts (illegal): When a player makes multiple accounts to send troop support or resources to his original account to try and gain an unfair advantage.
Quick Bar: This is a tool bar only available on premium accounts. It is the bar below the main options, which allows you to shortcut to a particular building. The quick bar can be edited as you want and used to add legal scripts to help play more easily.
Res’s: Shorthand for resources. I.e. wood, clay, iron.
(The) Rim: The outer K’s on the map. The rim is always expanding. see also: (The) Core
Rim tribe: Any tribe that forms on the rim.
Rollback: This is when a world gets set back to an earlier point in time. Typically when the last backup occurred.
Service request: Service requests can be lodged in-game, through Settings --> Service Request. Through this, players can ask for help on matters such as bugs, in-game problems, premium accounts, etc. Before sending in a service request, it is advisable to read through the q&a’s already listed, to see if your question is already answered.
Spam (PFs): Irrelevant rubbish that completely drags a thread/conversation off topic.
Spam (in-tribe): A section in the tribe forums where people may talk about whatever comes to mind, play games, etc. Aka “If that counting game keeps getting put into forums of tribes I join, I will have to noble my entire tribe just to shut them up.”
Spread Out: Used in reference to the locations of tribe members. I.e “That tribe is so spread out they’ll never be able to coordinate effectively.”
Stats: Lazy term for statistics.
Thread: A thread is created within a forum. When a player makes an initial post, they start a ‘thread’. Anyone who responds to this post, contributes to the thread.
Ticket: A ticket is a question or request to In Game Staff. It can be a question on game-play, a report of breach of rules or an appeal for an account ban.
Troll: Used to refer to players who spend their time posting irrelevant, controversial, or simply off-topic posts in the forums. Usually in an attempt to incite argument and flaming.
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