Common Acronyms
BP (Beginner Protection ):The first few days after a player joins a world, during which no one can attack them. The length of BP time varies from world to world.
COA: Coat of Arms. See common/general terms.
D: Defence. See beginner terms.
FTW: For the win. Used to express great approval. I.e. AI’s TW dictionary is ftw!
GTFO: Get the f*** out. Most often said disparagingly on the forums, to express dislike towards another poster. (Or in jest, depending on the players.) May or may not get you an infraction or warning depending on the moderator in question, if used in the public forums. (May or may not get me two infractions for posting it in this dictionary. Twice. Cruel, cruel irony.)
HC: Heavy cavalry.
IG: In Game.
IGM: In Game Message.
IGN: In Game Name.
IRL: In real life.
K: Shorthand for ‘continent’. Ie. K45.
LC: Light cavalry.
MA: Mounted Archer.
MS: Millisecond.
NAP: Non-aggression pact. Made between tribes to signify a state of peace between each other. This generally lasts until one tribe decides they want the villages of the other, which is most often followed by the betrayed tribe posting in outrage on the PF’s.
O: Offence. See beginner terms.
ODA: Opponents Defeated as Attacker. Refers to a player’s ODA ranking, which gives an indication of how many enemy troops a player has destroyed by sending attacks at others.
ODD: Opponents Defeated as Defender. Refers to a player’s ODD ranking, which gives an indication of how many enemy troops a player has destroyed by defending against attacks others have sent.
OP: Original post / Original poster - depending on context.
OT: Off Topic / On Topic - depending on context.
PA (personal ally): Typically a good friend up until the moment one PA nobles another.
PA/PP (premium account/points): PA or ‘premium’ is the shorthand reference to a paid account. A premium account comes with additional bonuses, beyond that of the ordinary, unpaid account.
PFs: Public Forums.
PNP: Politics and Propaganda.
QFT: Quoted for truth.
RL: Real Life. If you play TW to any great degree, RL will become a distant memory. Something spoken about in a detached, clinical way, with no real understanding of what it actually involves anymore.
ST: Server time.
STFU: Shut the f*** up. May or may not get you an infraction or warning depending on the moderator in question, if used in the public forums.
STW: Speed Tribal Wars.
TBH: To be honest.
“W”: Short for world. I.e. AI sadly quit w33 and w34.
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