We would like to apologize for the issues that occurred lately, mostly related with premium points usage.
We have now deployed a fix that should have solved most of the issues that occurred during that time.
However, if you notice some problems on your side still, pl... Read More
We would like to inform you of some important changes to our current rules regarding Account Sitting.
In the time since the last change of the rules we've made several in-game improvements to help protect your account, such as the restrictions on what an account si... Read More
The TribalWars Masters Team and InnoGames would like to invite you to participate in the
Tribal Wars Cup
! Gather 9 of your friends and fight for the honour of your version!
What is the Tribal Wars Cup ? The Tribal Wars Cup
is a tournament hosted by... Read More
The script mentioned above is now broken due to a Tribal Wars update. My co-player recently found a version that works. The working version is:
If we are